Chapter 52

1 Wake up, wake up; put on your strength, O Zion; dress in your lovely clothes, O Jerusalem, the holy city: from now on, those who are not circumcised and the unclean will no longer enter you.
2 Get up from the dust; stand up and sit down, Jerusalem; free yourself from the chains on your neck, captive daughter of Zion.
3 God says, “You sold yourselves for nothing, and you will be freed without paying.”
4 God said, “Long ago, my people went to Egypt to stay for a while; but then, the Assyrian mistreated them for no reason.”
5 So now, why am I here? asks God, when my people have been taken for nothing? Those who lead them cause them to cry out, says God, and my name is insulted all the time, every day.
6 So my people will learn my name; on that day, they will know that I am the one who is speaking: look, it’s me.
7 How beautiful are the feet of the person on the mountains who brings good news, who announces peace; who brings good news of good things, who announces salvation; who tells Zion, “Your God rules!”
8 Your guards will raise their voices; they will sing together because they will see things the same way when God brings back Zion.
9 Celebrate with joy, sing together, you deserted parts of Jerusalem: for God has comforted his people, he has saved Jerusalem.
10 God has shown his power to all nations; everyone around the world will see God’s saving strength.
11 Leave, leave, go out from there, don’t touch anything dirty; leave her midst; keep clean, you who carry God’s sacred items.
12 You will not leave quickly or run away, because God will lead you, and the God of Israel will protect you from behind.
13 Look, my servant will act wisely; he will be raised up, praised, and very honored.
14 Many were shocked at him; his face was so disfigured beyond any person, and his appearance beyond that of people.
15 He will amaze many nations; kings will be silent because of him; for they will see what was not told to them, and they will think about things they had never heard.